SHOOTING: Two (2) trap houses/fields for public, special, and group shoots.
Trap fields are unavailable when rifle/handgun range is in use.
SHOOTING: A skeet field for public and group shoots. The skeet field is laid
out for simultaneous shooting with trap. The skeet field is unavailable when
the rifle/handgun range is in use.
RANGE: The range is for member and special public shoots. The firing line is a
cement slab with a pitched roof cover and numerous cement/steel benches are
available. Range has berms at 25, 50, 100, and 200
yards. Range is unavailable when trap and skeet fields are in use.
An area is set aside for bowhunting/archery practice.
There are big hay bales for backstops and/or bring your own targets. There is
also a tower to simulate a treestand for practice.
There is a pond on site stocked with various kinds of fish for members and
their families to enjoy. The rules for fishing and boating are listed on the
Basic Club Rules page.
The Club has space available, and allows, short-term primitive camping by
members and their family.
Occasionally the Clubhouse is available for use by members and affiliated
groups. Contact the Board of Directors about availability at