Wednesday Night Public Trap Shooting
APRIL thru OCTOBER 5pm-8pm (Check the Calendar)
We have four trap houses/fields with automatic voice releases for public, special and group shoots.
**Rifle range is unavailable when trap field is in use**
- Use no bore larger than 12 gauge.
- Use no shot larger than 7&1/2.
- Both shooters and personnel must wear eye and ear protection while on the trap fields.
- Gun actions must open except when on the shooting pad.
- Persons wearing open toed sandals, flip flops or crocs will not be allowed to shoot.
Adult and Youth Prices 2025:
- Members: $6.00/round
- Non-Members: $7.00/round which includes daily membership fee
- All prices include sales tax
Contact Person:
Greg Bigbee 641-230-1750
Blaine Kussatz 515-491-9617